建築家 塚田眞樹子Architect Makiko Tsukada
- 1961
- 12月 北海道生まれ
- 1986
- 北海道大学工学部建築工学科卒業
- 1986-89
- 大林組構造設計
- 1989-93
- 竹山実建築綜合研究所
- 1993-94
- 坂茂建築設計
- 1995
- 塚田眞樹子建築設計設立
- 2019
- 拠点を北海道に移す
- 1961
- Born in Hokkaido, Japan
- 1986
- Graduated from Hokkaido University
Graduation thesis: "A Comparison of Methods
for Evaluating Snow Load in Japan and Abroad" - 1986-89
- Obayashi Corporation, structural engineer
- 1989-93
- Minoru Takeyama Architect & U/A, architectural designer
- 1993-94
- Shigeru Ban Architects, architectural designer
- 1995
- Established Makiko Tsukada Architects
- 2019
- Moved Office to Hokkaido
Architect's Profile